Conservatory - Winter garden greening

Since 1989 we have planted about 500 winter gardens and conservatories in all shapes and sizes.

We produced a book with over 100 photos and illustrations specifically on planting ro conservatories  `Grün im Wintergarten - von Anfang an richtrig eingeplant`            ( available only in German )

Here are some examples of planting for internal landscaping for winter gardens.

Modern conservatory near Stuttgart with Olive tree planted into the ground - 2009

interior planting olea wintergarden indoor bottom

Indoor landscaping of winter garden near Karlsruhe 2011

With prearranged flowerbeds and a seldom used species of Olive tree called `Horizontalis`.


Interior greening of winter garden: Louxemburg ( left image ) and a Orange tree - Germany ( right image )

For successful internal landscaping of conservatories it is imperative that one carefully plans from the very beginning of the project.


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Organizing a green winter garden is a very specific type of interior landscaping which, to be successful, requires relevant knowledge. We have been creating conservatories since the 80`s; a number of points to consider are:

  • The percentage of light that the glass of the conservatory transmits
  • How the climate and humidity in the conservatory will be controlled
  • How the temperature will be controlled day and night throughout the year
  • The consideration of suitable plants.
  • Will the plants be set directly into the earth or into suitable containers.
  • What drainage sytem is to be utilized
  • Automatic or manual watering of the plants
  • How high is the conseratory so that one knows which plants are to be considered

More informations about our interior planting with e-Mail click here:

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